
3 March

Topic: Globalisation

       As an important part of  international business, globalisation needs to be paid more attention to study. This week, I have a further understanding and master a lot of fresh knowledge about it.

       Firstly, I would like to introduce the definition of globalisation. Globalisation refers to the increasing integration of internationally dispersed economic activities. It includes some different factors about societies, cultures, politics and economics. As the development of globalisation, there are lots of concerns appearing and become challenges. They are divided into many aspects, such as trade in goods and services, investment, labour force movement, intellectual property and so on. Because of all of them, the instability of globalisation increases.

        Secondly, focus on the drivers behind globalisation, the necessary of its development need to be understood clearly. In order to reduce the possibility of concerns to become true, there has some useful methods should be taken. In the aspect of political, taking preferential trading agreements and removal of border is significant, EU and NAFTA are two important examples about this measure. Also, increasing the advantages of technologies, likes the development of the internet which makes small companies to compete globally, can be regarded as another driver to go global. In addition, managers should pay more attention to different levels of markets and costs to let saturated domestic markets force business to move markets. Moreover, enhancing standards of the public's real lives increases the need of goods and services. It can progress the speed of globalisation, even make it reach a high level. The last factor is the competition. The competition among many companies gives them a lot of motive power to reclaim more markets as well as develop the competitive power. Companies have to go global and do trades in international markets to ensure their positions in the total markets.  Starbucks which is an international company, is a successful example about going global with right methods. By contrast, Tesco in USA is failing. It did not have a clear structure in the process of development. The managers also did not realize the growth of vital markets and can not enter the trend of globalisation with its own advantages. Expect these, Tesco in USA and its management model could not fit for today's modern society.

        Thirdly, globalisation is a helpful way to develop in the competitive market, but how to go global successfully is a difficult problem for lots of organisation. Combining with the whole environment of international markets and characteristics of globalisation, I master some detailed methods and internal strategies which need be considered and  undertook by organisations. Having a deep understanding about advantages and disadvantages also can help companies take further ways to go global.

        To sum up,  making organisations compete globalisation is not easy to succeed. And organisations have to achieve their aims and get further developments. There are lot of factors pushing forward the globalisation and improving the necessary of it.

